set\ forth

set\ forth
1. III
set forth smth. /smth. forth/ set forth all the essential facts (his political views, a programme) of improvement, etc.) излагать все существенные факты и т.д.; set forth one's aims (his arguments, the merits of the proposal, a clear statement of policy, the powers and-duties of the citizens of a nation, etc.) сформулировать свои цели и т.д.
2. IV
set forth smth. /smth. forth/ in some manner set forth his position /his stand/ (his grievances, his theory, his reasons, etc.) quite clearly четко сформулировать свою позицию и т.д.; set forth forth one's opinions in detail /at length/ подробно изложить свою точку зрения
3. XI
1) be set forth in smth. all conditions (these items, your duties, etc.) are fully (clearly, etc.) set forth in the contract (in the statement, in our letter, etc.) все условия и т.д. подробно и т.д. изложены в тексте договора и т.д.
2) be set forth for smth., smb. the presents were tastefully set forth for observation (for all to see) подарки были со вкусом разложены для (всеобщего) обозрения; be set forth in (at, on, etc.) smth. the army was set forth in a plain (on the bank, at the bridge, etc.) армия была развернута на равнине и т.д.
4. XVI
set forth for smth. set forth for town (for the nearest village, for distant lands, etc.) отправляться в город и т.д.; set forth on smth. set forth on one's travels /on one's journey/ отправляться в путешествие, двинуться в путь; set forth with smth. Columbus set forth with three small ships Колумб отправился в путь на трех небольших кораблях; set forth at (after, etc.) some time he set forth at five o'clock (after dinner, etc.) on отправился в пять часов и т.д.
5. XXI1
set forth smth. /smth. forth/ in smth. set forth one's theory (one's ideas, one's plans, one's programme), etc.) in a scholarly report (in a book, in a speech, etc.) изложить /сформулировать/ свою теорию и т.д. в научном докладе и т.д.; set forth smth. /smth. forth/ on smth. set forth one's opinion (one's principles, one's views, etc.) on the subject (on the problem, etc.) разъяснить свою точку зрения и т.д. по данному вопросу и т.д.

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "set\ forth" в других словарях:

  • set forth — (something) to explain or state something officially. Our views were set forth by our attorney in her March 13th letter. The board set forth the conditions for her release. Selina based her argument on the rights set forth in the First Amendment… …   New idioms dictionary

  • set forth — I verb allege, argue, articulate, assert, characterize, cite, commence, communicate, contend, convey, declare, delineate, demonstrate, depict, describe, detail, develop, disclose, display, divulge, enunciate, evince, expound, express, illustrate …   Law dictionary

  • set forth — ► set forth 1) begin a journey or trip. 2) state or describe in writing or speech. Main Entry: ↑set …   English terms dictionary

  • set forth — verb 1. state (Freq. 15) set forth one s reasons • Syn: ↑expound, ↑exposit • Derivationally related forms: ↑exposition (for: ↑exposit) …   Useful english dictionary

  • set forth — phrasal verb Word forms set forth : present tense I/you/we/they set forth he/she/it sets forth present participle setting forth past tense set forth past participle set forth 1) [intransitive] literary to start a journey, especially one that is… …   English dictionary

  • set forth — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you set forth a number of facts, beliefs, or arguments, you explain them in writing or speech in a clear, organized way. [FORMAL] [V P n (not pron)] Dr. Mesibov set forth the basis of his approach to teaching students. Syn: set …   English dictionary

  • set forth — {v.}, {formal} 1. To explain exactly or clearly. * /The President set forth his plans in a television talk./ 2. To start to go somewhere; begin a trip. * /The troop set forth on their ten mile hike early./ Compare: SET OUT …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • set forth — {v.}, {formal} 1. To explain exactly or clearly. * /The President set forth his plans in a television talk./ 2. To start to go somewhere; begin a trip. * /The troop set forth on their ten mile hike early./ Compare: SET OUT …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • set\ forth — v formal 1. To explain exactly or clearly. The President set forth his plans in a television talk. 2. To start to go somewhere; begin a trip. The troop set forth on their ten mile hike early. Compare: set out …   Словарь американских идиом

  • set forth — 1) explain exactly or clearly He carefully set forth the terms of the rental contract. 2) start to go somewhere, begin a trip They set forth on their holiday about 7:00 this morning …   Idioms and examples

  • set forth — you have set forth a very credible argument Syn: present, describe, set out, detail, delineate, explain, expound; state, declare, announce; submit, offer, put forward, advance, propose, propound …   Thesaurus of popular words

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